Bookends 13 2 6 Commentary

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Bookends 13 2 6 Commentary

The Book of James – A Detailed Commentary Basic Training Bible Ministries Page 2 Introduction to James Background of the Book The Epistle of James is one of the general epistles, including 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3. His mission to preach the mystery of Christ. His prayer for them and doxology of praise to God, 14 end. The Duty of the Churches as the Body of Christ, 4:1-6:20. Duty of individual members in relation to other members and to the world. Duties of individuals in their home relations, 5:22-6:9.

The Gospel of John Commentary, Lessons & Activities

Chapter 1: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 1:1-14

Lesson 2: John 1:15-23

Lesson 3: John 1:24-34

Lesson 4: John 1:35-42

Lesson 5 John 1:43-51

Chapter 2: Lessons 1-2

Lesson 1: John 2:1-12

Lesson 2: John 2:13-25

Chapter 3: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 3:1-10

Lesson 2: John 3:11-21

Lesson 3: John 3:22-30

Lesson 4: John 3:31-36

Chapter 4: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 4:1-9

Lesson 2: John 4:10-19

Lesson 3: John 4:20-29

Lesson 4: John 4:30-42

Lesson 5: John 4:43-54

Chapter 5: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 5:1-9

Lesson 2: John 5:10-18

Lesson 3: John 5:19-29

Lesson 4: John 5:30-38

Lesson 5: John 5:39-47

Chapter 6: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 6:1-14

Lesson 2: John 6:15-24

Lesson 3: John 6:25-34

Lesson 4: John 6:35-46

Lesson 5: John 6:47-59

Lesson 6: John 6:60-71

Chapter 7: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 7:1-13

Lesson 2: John 7:14-24

Lesson 3: John 7:25-36

Lesson 4: John 7:37-44

Lesson 5: John 7:45-53

Chapter 8: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 8:1-11

Lesson 2: John 8:12-20

Lesson 3: John 8:21-30

Lesson 4: John 8:31-38

Lesson 5: John 8:39-47

Lesson 6: John 8:48-59

Chapter 9: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 9:1-12

Lesson 2: John 9:13-23

Lesson 3: John 9:24-34

Lesson 4: John 9:35-41

Chapter 10: Lessons 1-4

Bookends 13 2 6 Commentary Matthew Henry

Lesson 1: John 10:1-10

Lesson 2: John 10:11-21

Channel 13.2

Lesson 3: John 10:22-31

Lesson 4: John 10:32-42

Chapter 11: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 11:1-10

Lesson 2: John 11:11-21

Lesson 3: John 11:22-31

Lesson 4: John 11:32-42

Lesson 5: John 11:38-46

Lesson 6: John 11:47-57

Chapter 12: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 12:1-11

Lesson 2: John 12:12-19

Lesson 3: John 12:20-26

Lesson 4: John 12:27-36


The Book of James – A Detailed Commentary Basic Training Bible Ministries Page 2 Introduction to James Background of the Book The Epistle of James is one of the general epistles, including 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3. His mission to preach the mystery of Christ. His prayer for them and doxology of praise to God, 14 end. The Duty of the Churches as the Body of Christ, 4:1-6:20. Duty of individual members in relation to other members and to the world. Duties of individuals in their home relations, 5:22-6:9.

The Gospel of John Commentary, Lessons & Activities

Chapter 1: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 1:1-14

Lesson 2: John 1:15-23

Lesson 3: John 1:24-34

Lesson 4: John 1:35-42

Lesson 5 John 1:43-51

Chapter 2: Lessons 1-2

Lesson 1: John 2:1-12

Lesson 2: John 2:13-25

Chapter 3: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 3:1-10

Lesson 2: John 3:11-21

Lesson 3: John 3:22-30

Lesson 4: John 3:31-36

Chapter 4: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 4:1-9

Lesson 2: John 4:10-19

Lesson 3: John 4:20-29

Lesson 4: John 4:30-42

Lesson 5: John 4:43-54

Chapter 5: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 5:1-9

Lesson 2: John 5:10-18

Lesson 3: John 5:19-29

Lesson 4: John 5:30-38

Lesson 5: John 5:39-47

Chapter 6: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 6:1-14

Lesson 2: John 6:15-24

Lesson 3: John 6:25-34

Lesson 4: John 6:35-46

Lesson 5: John 6:47-59

Lesson 6: John 6:60-71

Chapter 7: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: John 7:1-13

Lesson 2: John 7:14-24

Lesson 3: John 7:25-36

Lesson 4: John 7:37-44

Lesson 5: John 7:45-53

Chapter 8: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 8:1-11

Lesson 2: John 8:12-20

Lesson 3: John 8:21-30

Lesson 4: John 8:31-38

Lesson 5: John 8:39-47

Lesson 6: John 8:48-59

Chapter 9: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 9:1-12

Lesson 2: John 9:13-23

Lesson 3: John 9:24-34

Lesson 4: John 9:35-41

Chapter 10: Lessons 1-4

Bookends 13 2 6 Commentary Matthew Henry

Lesson 1: John 10:1-10

Lesson 2: John 10:11-21

Channel 13.2

Lesson 3: John 10:22-31

Lesson 4: John 10:32-42

Chapter 11: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 11:1-10

Lesson 2: John 11:11-21

Lesson 3: John 11:22-31

Lesson 4: John 11:32-42

Lesson 5: John 11:38-46

Lesson 6: John 11:47-57

Chapter 12: Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1: John 12:1-11

Lesson 2: John 12:12-19

Lesson 3: John 12:20-26

Lesson 4: John 12:27-36

Lesson 5: John 12:37-43

Lesson 6: John 12:44-50

Chapter 13: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 13:1-11

Lesson 2: John 13:12-20

Lesson 3: John 13:21-30

Lesson 4: John 13:31-38

Chapter 14: Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1: John 14:1-7

Lesson 2: John 14:8-14

Lesson 3: John 14:15-23

Lesson 4: John 14:24-31

Chapter 15: Lessons 1-3

Lesson 1: John 15:1-9

Lesson 2: John 15:10-17

Lesson 3: John 15:18-27

Chapter 16: Lessons 1-3

Lesson 1: John 16:1-11

Lesson 2: John 16:12-22

Lesson 3: John 16:23-33

The International Bible Study Forum

IBS Forum Discussion for Bible Teachers and Students

Bookends 13 2 6 Commentary Pdf

The Bibles used in the International Bible Study Commentary

The King James Version of the Bible, Noted as KJV.

New American Standard Bible, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Firefox 58 0 – fast safe web browser google chrome. Noted as NASB.

New International Version, Noted as NIV. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The 'NIV' and 'New International Version' are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

New Revised Standard Version, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Church of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Noted as NRSV.

The International Bible Study Commentary, the International Bible Study Forum, the International Bible Study Commentary and the International Bible Study websites including all content are copyright © 2010 to the present by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Content is available for not for profit use. All rights reserved. Archiver 3 3 0 0.

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